All Reviews


Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled – Review

The year is 1999, a mere 5 years since the release of Sony’s PlayStation. We’ve currently spent half a decade with family friend like characters such as a dragon named Spyro, a strange slave escapee on Oddworld called Abe, a British tomb raider named Lara Croft and a cooky, orange


Layers Of Fear 2 – Review

Layers of Fear 2 is a psychological horror video game developed and published by Bloober Team who are the minds behind the first Layers of Fear and Observer. I love anything to do with horror, especially gaming! Outlast 1 & 2, Friday the 13th, I even played Slenderman when it


Unruly Heroes – Review

Unruly Heroes follows four unlikely characters on their journey to the west in this side scrolling action adventure. If you didn’t already know, this game follows monkey and his three companions in a story that is inspired by the Chinese legend ‘A journey to the west’ better known as the


Super Cane Magic ZERO – Review

When you tell people you work as a reviewer for a gaming website, they generally get very excited, “Oh, you get to play all the cool games before they’re released!” or “Oh I’ve always wanted to do that! It must be so easy!” The reality is quite different. Now don’t


RAGE 2 – Review

Put on your pink warpaint, hair spray up that mohawk and dust off your ass-less chaps because RAGE 2 is finally here. Leave your dignity at the door because the rude and crude apocalyptic wasteland is back. Despite its name, RAGE 2 is nothing but pure enjoyment. Developed by Avalanche

Etherborn – Preview

It really brings me such joy to see, play and review (or in this case preview) indie games that have such heart and soul in their development. You can really feel that each moment and movement has been undertaken with deep creative love and passion, making the experience just that


The Messenger – Review

Everybody was kung-fu fighting…… Okay, now thats out of my system. I can move on with my review. The Messenger launched first on the Playstation 4, and is later coming to Windows & Nintendo Switch. This is a fun side scroller that’s a tale of a ninja.


The Caligula Effect: Overdose – Review

After its initial release 3 years prior, developer Aquria have listened their fans by re-releasing this classic game, under the guidance of the Unreal Engine 4. As such, the remaster presents newly upgraded visuals, a new playable protagonist and a bundle of both supporting cast and additional game endings!


Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 – Review

In this month alone, 2 highly anticipated looters and shooters dropped. One is doing well, while the other seemed to struggle from launch. The Division 2, the second in a franchise from Ubisoft has hit the shelves in a whirlwind, but it had me thinking what did it do so


Anthem – Review

I’m very hit and miss with grindy game play. Where as I was right into the ‘Diablo 3’ and ‘The Division’, even needing eye drops after a 14 hr session once, I totally missed ‘The Destiny’ train. I’d also like to point out I’m very hit and miss with Bioware


Jump Force – Review

I remember back in my early days getting out of bed early before school an dragging myself in front of TV to watch the latest episode of DragonBall Z, Naruto, One Piece and many others. I’d often think about how cool it would be like if they shared the same


Blue Rider – Review

The game has you playing around as a blue spaceship riding and guiding yourself through levels that are littered with enemies of the robotic kind. There are a significant number of different enemy types throughout the game all with their own little quirks and powers. Upon spending some quality time


Warframe – Review

“They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.” – Lotus Warframe does an excellent job of making the player feel cool as you bullet-jump through the


Enter The Gungeon – Nintendo Switch Review

In general, I’m the type of person that needs instant gratification. I don’t have time to muck around, I’m a busy person, so games that require a lot of back tracking, or repeat play don’t necessarily hold my attention or interest very long. However, I found ‘Enter the Gungeon’ by


Hello Neighbor Review

Hello Neighbor has been around for a while now but recently released on Xbox One. Back in 2015 Dynamic Pixels Kickstarter campaign fell short of its goal, but that didn’t stop Dynamic Pixels. Over the past two years or so, they’ve released several Alpha and Beta builds which have attracted


Doom Nintendo Switch Edition

Nintendo are known for being pretty cookie cutter especially with most of their newer generations of consoles and devices. Wholesome family fun is more what comes to mind, I suppose. That is why, I, and probably a horde of people that own the Nintendo Switch were running down the streets


Super Lucky’s Tale

Xbox has a new furry friend for us to play as, it’s a tale about a fox and his name is Lucky. This is a 3D platformer and it can be compared to Yooka Laylee, Crash Bandicoot and Snake Pass and was a launch title for the Xbox One X.


Assault Android Cactus

Hey gamers, here’s my latest gaming review for Assault Android Cactus. Personally I had already reviewed this game back in 2015 on Steam, and boss man Lance reviewed it also for the Playstation 4 last year, but i’m here again, this time to review for the Xbox One version. Now,


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